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Wildcrete 3D Target Raffle
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Wildcrete’s Dassie Pair 3D Foam Target is the essential 3D competitive and recreational target for archery.
The Dassie Pair foam target features 4 universal scoring target zones and is hand painted for the ultimate simulative experience. Made from high density self healing foam, this target is great at handling many arrows.
As part of the African Game series by Wildcrete, the Dassie pair looks to emulate the Dassie of Africa, a small animal that lives in rock and soil dwelling holes with large groups. Active during the day Dassie packs move as a group with sentries that alert the pack when hunters get near, making this a difficult animal to hunt.
The Dassie Pair weighs in at 3.1kg with a height of 310mm, length of 450mm and width of 320mm. This small target is one of Wildcrete’s most popular targets due to the difficulty of the shot. We recommend it as a short to mid range target. Featuring 2 broadside and 2 backside universal target zones, this Dassie Pair 3D target is perfect for those competitive challenge shots.